I’m so disgusted right now

If my dissatisfaction with the progress on the spiderweb quilt wasn’t enough – I loaded a rail fence quilt for my Aunt on the longarm this morning. Started quilting it and decided I wasn’t happy with it either.

I’ve spent all afternoon picking out quilting stitches and still have at least 2-3 hours left before I’m done. This is obviously a week I shouldn’t be quilting!


  1. You are absolutely amazingingly productive! I wish I could get half as much done and have half as much of your artistic sense!

  2. Go for a walk!!! Maybe you do need a break. We all love your work, but I know how it feels when YOU yourself don’t like it. Here’s hoping for happier sewing days ahead.Cheers!Evelyn

  3. Oh dear! I can sure relate! And of course picking out stitching takes 10-20 times longer than putting it in! I’m so very sorry you are going through this!

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