Taking time out

Chesty and I take a walk in nearby Loring Park every morning – it helps rid him of some excess energy and then he’ll sit/sleep quietly while I work. The last two days have been beautiful and I don’t know if it’s just having returned from Virginia or the difference between in living in Minnesota versus the hot steamy south but I can’t believe it’s JULY!

Today we took a quilt and a book and sat for a while after our walk.


  1. Wonderful weather down in the KC area also… after a few hot, humid days. The little picture of Chesty is cute. Looks almost like he is taking a doggie break from reading a novel.

  2. Look at you with the cool photography! The tree shot is awesome! And Chesty looks happy. So are you liking Minnesota? Summers there are the best!

  3. Chesty looks like a pampered pooch, one that is used to having his person put a quilt down for him to lay on! Don’tcha just wonder what they are thinking?! “Hey guys, look at me — I have a beautiful quilt to lay on”. What a wonderful relaxing time.

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