It’s finally here

My laptop finally arrived from Dell and I’ve been playing around with it all morning. They shipped some of the accessories separately so I’m still waiting for those. So far I love it! I’ve been sitting on the sofa with Keith rather than back in the den where my desktop is located. I’m highjacking someone’s wireless internet connection for now but I may set up our cable internet for wireless.

It’s so pretty!

I don’t think I’ll get much quilting done today!


  1. You are going to love the mobility! I’ve almost forgotten what it’s like to be tied to a desktop, almost….. Every once in a while I have to use my daughter’s PC when I can’t access a program on my iBook. Can’t wait to see your brown & pink GFAH. Happy computing!

  2. Enjoy that laptop and time with DH. We have a wireless system. DH is downstairs sitting in his recliner on his laptop….and I’m upstairs in my sewing room on the desktop. Something doesn’t seem fair here!!!

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