Another dishcloth

I think I’m being counterproductive here. This was all sorted and cleaned in preparation for the move but now it’s a disaster again thanks to the string log cabin blocks. Only 10 more to make and then I’ll have to clean this up again.

Can you tell what this is a picture of? Click on the photo to enlarge if you need to.

This one is from the book Garden Dishcloths to Knit and they’re smaller than the ones from the other book. Believe it or not, it came out to the exact right size (I never knit anything that has to *fit* so I never do gauge swatches).

I’m off to Home Depot to pick out paint.


  1. It looks like a bird on a branch to me. I love that you have your priorities straight…knitting and quilting, then packing! :o) You sound like me…

  2. You are amazing. Even though you will soon be moving, you just can’t stop production!!I have linked your blog in my post today Mary. I was so touched by your Log Cabin quilt post.

  3. I love the ladybug dishcloth. The one you knitted is a cardinal on a branch. Very good work. And in regards to how your sewing room looks, it wouldn’t be a productive day it you didn’t have results that showed, i.e. blocks and the mess. Take care, Cory 🙂

  4. Ah, Cory got it before me–a cardinal. It has to be with that crested head. I know that I always worry about something fitting once I am done with it and I usually do the swatch thing. That is part of the reason why I said my niece may get one of the sweaters I am knitting. That’s okay though–I knit because I enjoy it and so what if the receipient changes as my size goes up and down?Good progress, Mary!

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