
I’m home after a 4 day trip to Nebraska to attend a HeartStrings sew-in. You can see the Happy Blocks on the wall behind me which were our main task but I was thrilled to work with Jay to hand tie a HeartStrings top that had been pieced by Laura.

How wonderful to be so connected to the past just by the act of tying a string quilt….Jay even had an old blanket that we used as batting and showed me how to bring the backing around to the front of the quilt for a binding. Talk about knowledgeable — Jay’s a librarian so it was no surprise to find him a great source of information but I really enjoyed hearing about how he was taught to quilt by his grandmother.

If you’d like to see some more photos from our sew-in please visit our HeartStrings NE Sew-in album. Photos were not allow during our visit to the International Quilt Study Center but they have a wonderful website so be sure to take a virtual tour.

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  1. Thanks for coming Mary and Sheree! I had lots of fun, and I am trying to make the sew-in in October workable with my schedule and other issues. I hope I can attend.


  2. Great photos. Looks like you had a lot of fun.

    How many ties to a block? Doyou do one in each corner and one in the centre?

  3. After reading your post, looking at all the pictures and reading the Heartstrings posts I’m even more sorry I didn’t make it. Needing to start out at 0 dark hundred, after my quilting buddies begged off, just squashed my enthusiasm for the trip. I’m glad you all had such a good time and got so much done. When I saw the picture of the food table I was stunned………and only six people made it?? Who has to eat all the leftovers??

  4. Gosh, this brought beack memories for me. I used to have a house group and when it was one of the ladies Ruby W/A – 40years – the rest of us – 6 in total – decided to make the happy couple a Ruby quilt, it was great fun, we decided to tie it by hand. I bought 12 different Ruby embroidery threads, we seperated them all into single threads, then put one of each to tie the quilt, 12 threads at a time, it was hard going but it looked fabulous. She still has this Quilt and the ties are still in, so we must have done it right. Great fun, I don’t think Tying is done enough these days….Jan

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