
I’ve been blogging for 12 years and I also maintain my website and the HeartStrings site … there was a time where I wanted to control every little detail of the sites but I’m ready to simplify!!! I’ve been with Bluehost since 2007 when the website went up but it’s become more and more of a challenge and I admit, more complicated to build and maintain the sites. I had a call from Bluehost pushing to sell me an $80 a month security scan/fix for just one of the sites … in addition to the other fees I pay and I knew it was time to find a simpler solution. I use WordPress to post and blog to all three sites but the Bluehost site gives me way more options and complications than I need now so I’m in the process of moving the sites to

I’ll be able to maintain my domain names ( and but have a much simpler interface. Fewer choices for customization but less cost and fewer complications too. It takes time to move everything over and customize the sites so you might encounter some glitches along the way but I’ll get them worked out. The blog will move to a subdomain on the site and will hopefully keep the same web address ( but if for some reason you lose me in a few days … just go to the site and I’ll have a link there.

I’ll update everyone with any additional issues/info as I complete the transfer this week. And just to keep this a little interesting … GO Bolts! I told Keith not every woman would be happy to spend her 29th anniversary watching a hockey game but we had lots of fun! This was the first day I really felt well enough to go out and watch one of the games at our local pub and they won! Moving on to round two.



  1. Thought something must be going on with the site because I hadn’t heard from you. So I went looking and discovered that you were in fact having some issues. Good picture of you and Keith.

  2. It’s amazing to me that you can even do all that technical stuff. I am out of it. Some glitch and I have to involve my son an ocean away!

    Bloglovin’ put me into your blog automatically just as always and it took a few seconds for me to realize something had changed. The new blog has a nice clean feel to it!

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