Lucky again

The A/C problem turned out to be a bad breaker and not a problem with the unit. I also found out that the two units were mixed up on our inspection report and the one upstairs is the newer unit (8-9 years old). We still have a 16 year old unit but for now it’s working.

I had an appointment for a massage today … the woman I usually go to has left so I tried someone new, she was OK but won’t end up as my new massage therapist.

After dealing with the A/C guy and going out for my masage, it was time for the Tour de France so it was another day I didn’t get into the sewing room.

I did cast on another scarf but not the one for me, that yarn needs winding into a ball. I cast on the feather and fan scarf and got two inches in before making a mistake and ending up off one stitch. It’s not a hard pattern but I decided I didn’t want to think that hard while watching the Tour so I pulled it out and cast on another garter stitch crescent scarf to donate.

Paperwork came for the Big Canoe sale … we’ll have to get it signed and notarized and overnight it back on Friday but it looks like we’re on track for a Monday closing.


  1. Good news on everything. Simple fixes are always better than costly ones. Congratulations on the sale/closing on Big Canoe. Have a great weekend.

  2. Boy you are lucky again. I am guessing a thunderstorm went through the area causing the breaker to trip and probably burn out.. Congratulations on the sale of Big Canoe!

  3. Except for the massage, you’ve had good news all around. Glad to hear the Big Canoe property closing is imminent – one less thing on your mind. Enjoy your knitting and the Tour.

  4. Getting the property at Big Canoe sold will be one more thing off the “worry” list. Hope you find a new massage therapist that you really like. My husband was so sad when his masseuse moved away – and was delighted when she moved back a couple of years later. He had tried several others and they just didn’t make the cut.

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