Working hard

I wanted to get as many quilts tied as I could before tomorrow because I know binding them is going to take longer … so by the end of the day today, I had 9 tied. Including one HeartStrings quilt – not sure how this little one made it in the batch along with all the Happy Block tops but it’s tied and ready to be trimmed and bound.


And of course there were several walks on the beach. Keith said the sunrise was gorgeous but I didn’t see it — I’m more of a sunset kind of girl! We did manage a walk together this evening before going out to dinner. We had a great date night!



  1. WOWsers!! Nine tied? how can you do that in one day?? It takes me a week to tie a quilt–ahhh youth…;)))) hugs and you’ll have a lot to bind and keep you warm i guess Julierose

  2. I am so happy that you guys are getting to spend great times together. Walks and date nights are wonderful. Paul and I have spent some great times looking at foliage, waterfalls and covered bridges. Different things for different people, but the important thing in my mind is time together. Hope that continues for the whole month. We are headed home soon and real life responsibilities will happen.

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