Meeting goals

You all know by now that I always have a list of goals either written or just in my head of what I want to accomplish in any given timeframe. It’s what keeps me on track. The goal for tying quilts this month is to tie and bind 12 quilts … while leaving plenty of time for walking, knitting, exploring. My Mom and brother are coming on Friday for a short visit from Virginia so I had a goal of tying and binding as many of the 12 quilts before they got here. Nine are tied, seven are bound and the last two are in the process of being bound so I’m happy with my progress. I’ll just have 3 more to finish up after Mom’s visit and that will leave me plenty of free time too.

There were two finished yesterday and I’ll finish the 8th binding tonight and get started on the 9th. Tomorrow in addition to finishing that binding, I’ll do laundry, straighten up, and pick up a few groceries … where is Keith when I need him? I hate going to the grocery store!

Finn and I saved our long walk today for sunset … it was beautiful on the beach.



  1. Great job on your goals! You are staying in a beautiful area: I can see why you like going there so much. Enjoy the time with your Mom and your brother.

    • Thanks! It’s easy to get good photos here! The problem is sorting through them all – I take a LOT of photos!


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