
I would rather be knitting or starting a new quilt today but I’ve got too much to accomplish to even think about it. I’m such a procrastinator and usually I can drag out the assembly of a top or unpacking from a trip for days and even weeks but my goals help keep me on track and so do timers especially on a day like today when I don’t want to do any of it!!

I’m setting my timer in 30 minute segments and going from unpacking to assembling to laundry to walking Finn. Progress has been made all around but it’s most evident in the HeartStrings quilt – the last blocks were trimmed and I’ve got the top partially assembled. Next I’ll start assembling the big blocks into rows.


And while it doesn’t look like it, a lot of progress has been made unpacking but there’s still so much to be gone through and organized before it’s done.


I’m hoping to get the patriotic rail fence top loaded on the longarm today too. I always underestimate how long it’s going to take me to recover from a trip but I did get through the 5 weeks of mail that had accumulated on Monday, and I did get a massage yesterday too.



  1. I used a timer when I had a stack of essays to grade: set a timer for 30 minutes, get up to stretch and start a load of laundry, back to the essays and another 30 minute segment of grading. I didn’t get bogged down or weary of the papers and got other chores done, too.

  2. What a great idea — using a timer. I know I set an alarm when I have to be somewhere other than the studio. I have a horrible sense of time so in some cases that is a big necessity for me. It looks like you are making progress on a lot of fronts.

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