
Even though I moved away almost 30 years ago it was still “going home” when I visited Mom in Newport News where I grew up. Now that she’s living with my sister in another part of the state it feels weird to fly in here. We’re at a hotel tonight and we’ll drive down to Hatteras in the morning.

That’s the James River Bridge and the Newport News shipyard in the photo.


  1. I love Newport News. I have family that lives there, and my son’s sister in law, grew up there too. As a child, we vacationed with my aunt and uncle. They had a great sailboat that we would sail on. My aunt a at least 2 cousins still live there, right next to the Mariner’s Museum. Newport News is a lovely place. Enjoy your visit with your mom and family.

    • I love Mariners Museum and have spent a LOT of time there, growing up and as an adult.


  2. I was born in Chicago and raised in Michigan City and moved near South Bend after I graduated high school Most of my family is gone now. I love those two towns, but after living where I am all those years, I miss the lake but don’t feel that either one is “home”. Glad you still have family near where you grew up.

    Have a great visit and Mother’s Day.
    xx, Carol

  3. Enjoy your family time in Hatteras. It will be a relaxing few days I’m sure. I used to feel like I was going home whenever I visited my childhood hometown in Minnesota, but found that the last couple of times going there it no longer feels like home. We visited friends last weekend in the tiny little town here in SD that we lived in for 30 years – and it didn’t feel like home anymore either. Kind of sad about that.

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