1. That is really nice. I had to go diagonally row by row before to find the mis rotated block. I’m glad you saw it.

  2. I have a “boo-boo” to fix, too; I sewed two pieces together to make a border strip and then sewed it on BACKWARDS–oops!! So the seam is on the right side–am I going to unpick that l o n g seam?
    Can I applique something over it ?
    I hate unpicking..;<((…I obviously cannot leave it…it's even visiting me in my dreams…S I G H —
    in total empathy with you…..hugs, Julierose

  3. I’m always glad to see other quilters make the same mistakes that I do. Nice colors with kind of an autumn feel to it.

  4. Mary- It’s beautiful, and you are amazing! I don’t know how you can be so productive! Do you sleep? LOL! Brenda King

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