5 years ago

It’s hard to believe that 6 years have passed since we moved from Minneapolis so Keith could be closer to care for his Mom and 5 years today since she died but we have great memories of time spent with her and his dad and they’ll always be with us.


  1. Good memories I’m sure. I was just thinking the other day how long it has been since my parents and my in-laws have been gone. Time is just flying!!

  2. We also moved so I could care for my father and then my mother. We have wonderful memories of our time with both my parents and memories are so important. If I start looking at pictures I can figure on being there all day long…lol. Time certainly does fly!!

  3. Such happy pictures of Keith and his Mom. Great treasures in those !! Where has all the time gone.You were so wonderful to take care of Keith’s dad in his last days! I guess it’s in our blood. I worked for the visiting nurse assoc. for years and really missed it, but hurt my back so that sort of put an end to that. I do miss it. Now I’ve gotten to old to do it. How’s your Mom doing? Take care! xo

  4. Nice pictures. Deeper thinking about them make me sad. Glad you are moving to be closer to YOUR mom. I can’t imagine how happy that makes HER.
    Be Well
    xx, Carol

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