
My sewing room is closed! I sewed the last stitched in the red Rainbow HeartStrings blocks last night and put them with the others … all I need now are blue and turquoise blocks and I’ll be able to sew some together. Right now I have 82 blocks so plenty for 2 quilts and some to share for group quilts too by the time I get the blues done. My machines are all unplugged and I won’t sew again until next week after we get to Big Canoe.

Today will be spent doing laundry and packing, and then on Friday we’ll have to load the UHaul truck. I’ve got lots of lists so I don’t forget anything (hopefully)!


  1. Good luck Mary!! Having moved 5 times in less than 20 years…I get it!! Happy Move!!
    BTW…love the color strings…I must do those, they’re on my “list”…😉

  2. Good luck with all the packing, loading, and moving. You are so organized that I’m sure it will go smoothly. And then enjoy your summer break at Big Canoe in that beautiful setting.

  3. Katy bar the door so Mary won’t sneak in that sewing room again! You sound as if there is plenty going on to keep you out of the sewing room.

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