
I’m puttering along … a few more blocks for the 16 patch quilt made, 5 more masks … but the highlight of my day was kayaking!

i did have some visitors while I was downstairs sewing. I keep my blinds open and pulled up out of the way so I can keep a watch on the yard.

Thanks for all the feedback on the new quilt – it’s growing on me as I make more blocks and I’m sure it will turn out just fine!


  1. Love the clever way you inserted your picture into the lake view. Your visitors are good ones! We have them, too. Always interesting to see wildlife. Happy quilting and time on the water.

  2. Such a lovely view from the kayak and from your studio windows. We’ve had a doe and fawn come through every day the past week or so. But yesterday there was a doe and 2 fawns out in the backyard for a little while. But when I tried to get a picture they walked around to the other side of the house and through the trees.

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