1. I enjoy puzzling tangles out of yarn with a friend! Wish I could be in FL to help you out! We could share our favorite hikes and walks while working on it!

  2. What happened, Mary? Did the ball implode? It looks somewhat tangled, but with careful “flapping”, the yarn seems like you could get it all coiled up again. Good luck!

    • LOL @ yarn barf !!
      You need my friend Julie – she loves sorting that stuff out and gives it back to you with a neatly hand wound little ball of yarn attached to your knitting. We Love her!

  3. I usually just put that nuisance project into time-out for a while – or give it to my husband. He’ll happily sit for an hour, tracing the strand of yarn through all the twists and turns, and then hands me the newly wound ball. Would you like me to send him over! 😉

  4. Glad you made it home safely! Sorry about your yarn. I would take some time to try and straighten it out before cutting the thread. Sometimes it’s not as tangled at it looks.

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