1. A perfect evening then Mary. I started my move back to the woods yesterday. It seems so strange to be in the middle of a forest this morning, after waking up at the ocean’s edge for the last 5 months. I’ll still have a few cottage nights, but it is time to consider winters approach.

  2. No matter what your political views you did what you could by voting. This is the place where we have to admit our limited impact. I have wished all my life to change things but now I do what I can and the rest will have to take care of itself.

  3. I know exactly how you feel. I have been feeling for quite some time now that somehow things are being ‘directed’ (and not in a good way), like we in America are in some sort of ‘social experiment’ by others who are pulling strings this way and that in attempts to socially engineer what THEY want the country to be. I don’t like either candidate, but we voted, and dropped off our votes to be sure they would truly get there. I am a person of faith, and I am praying long and hard that we return to being the country we used to be.

  4. I said a prayer over my ballot before I turned it in this past week. Hopefully the popular vote of our citizens will be heard this time around!

    • As of now we live in a free country to vote as we choose which is a wonderful thing. I have quit watching all the negativity on biased news channels. At one time good News was reported and not the opinion of the journalist reporting it. I’m Independent and do not vote for a candidate’s personality or because my parents always voted for one party. I actually have voted both ways after I study what that person has done in his career as a Politician to help the American people. We live in a very greedy country of people which is a shame. I thank God everyday what he has provided for us. So many countries do not have this. Thank you Mary for providing this blog so us quilters and knitters can come together.🙂

  5. Voting is a privilege and a responsibility. I’ll be so glad when this election is over, and I just hope for the result that I want.

  6. I love your blog. I agree with you 1000%. I am filled with anxiety about the possibility that Trump may win the election and that we will have 4 more years of the insanity.

    I don’t even live in Georgia where your Big Canoe home is. But I am also horrified about the person running unopposed in Georgia for one of the congressional seats.

    Make America Kind Again. Make America Decent Again. 🙂

  7. Mary, I agree with what Clara (above) just stated so very well!…
    And, with your latest statement about the comments that your “We voted” post received!…
    This IS your (delightful) blog!
    (What’s frightening to see, is the depth of passionate anger, hatred, fear that a cult of personality can engender!)

    By the way, Mary, that is a lap full of *Beautiful Colors* in that picture!! Lots of gorgeous autumn snuggle-worthy warmth there!
    (Contrasts with Keith! It’s way too cold here in Michigan for me to dress like that! “Winter is coming!”🙂)
    Blessings, Mary!!

  8. Well that is a cozy picture! May I ask where I can see more of the quilt on the back of the sofa under your latest needle project (love the color of that yarn)? It sure is pretty.
    xx, Carol

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