
My Fat Quarter top for our October precut party is assembled. The plan is to make another top from the rest of the fat quarters but I doubt I’ll get it assembled before the end of the month. Right now my goal is to make the blocks and take them to GA to assemble in November. I’m calling this one PLUS 3 and you can see it’s a simple 9 patch variation. No sashing … just positive and negative blocks.

I’m not sure the photo does it justice but it’s a sweet looking quilt in person!

Do you like Plus quilts? I must because this is the 4th one I’ve made. This one is still waiting for quilting and is from a Craftsy kit.

This was a sweet child’s quilt I made from part of a jelly roll.

And this was my Plus 2 quilt, based on a vintage quilt I’d seen on eBay. Still waiting for quilting. Some of my favorites wait a long time to be quilted because I’m not sure if I should keep them, gift them, or donate them.


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