Hearts – again

I spent some time in the sewing room on Saturday, making more Strips and Strings log cabin blocks and more Hopeful Heart blocks. I’m getting a lot of questions so I wrote up some quilt notes that might help explain what I’m doing with these blocks. I am not using a pattern – just modifying my other log cabin blocks a bit but the technique is not unique. The Pink Heart quilt I showed several days is somewhat similar in that the block is trimmed at an angle although those blocks have a narrow frame around the heart too. I also made a heart quilt years ago (maybe in 2001?) from the Sandy Bonsib book I showed the other day but those blocks are all different sizes and have filler strips and filler blocks to make it all go together and while that process makes a great quilt, I want something easier and more uniform. Click here to see my quilt notes.

I’ve got 18 of 35 blocks made and I stitched down 8 more hearts tonight so I’ll get those blocks made tomorrow and then stitch some more hearts. I’m anxious to make some multicolor blocks too and even went so far as to grab some fabric and look to see what color perle cotton I had but I held off for now! I would like to make a couple test blocks before I leave next weekend but we’ll see how the week goes.


  1. Love this pattern, Mary. Thanks so much for taking time to write the notes about your process. I’ve always wanted to make a quilt with blocks on an angle, and this will definitely help. Thanks again for your generosity.

  2. Thanks for sharing your notes and pics. The quilt will be lovely and I’m thinking I will give this a try tomorrow.

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