Site icon Making Scrap Quilts from Stash

Hard Rock t-shirts

For years we’ve been buying Adam t-shirts when we’re traveling and come across a Hard Rock Cafe and we picked one up for him in Jamaica earlier this month.

I promised him I’d make a t-shirt quilt from them “one day” and I’ve had a bunch of them for a while (at least 4+ years!) so obviously Adam is a pretty patient person but he did bring it up when he was here a few weeks ago and Chris got his map quilt so I guess it’s time to actually make the quilt.

First I looked online for ideas (Google t-shirt quilts) and we agreed on a layout. Then it was time to go through the shirts I had and line them up in rows. I’ve done some quick math to get a general idea of the quilt size but I’ll have to get more detailed before I cut the shirts to the size I need to make sure each row comes out to the same length. The shirt blocks will be framed and then sashed.

Today, I got all the shirts washed and trimmed off the sleeves and backs. Tomorrow, I’m going to go to Joann’s to buy the non-woven fusible interfacing I need and then I’ll be working on this project in the coming months … I don’t like tight deadlines so I told him not to expect it before his next visit in July!

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