Site icon Making Scrap Quilts from Stash

Another late night finish

I finished up these blocks this afternoon and decided to start piecing the top tonight. Once I got started I decided to keep going until the top was together. It’s 12:30AM and the lighting isn’t the best but here are a couple pictures. I’ll have to try to get a better picture tomorrow. (top picture replaced 2/4)
Don’t you hate seeing a *problem* once you finish a top. Can you see those two strips of the same green fabric in the middle block on the top row? I didn’t notice it until I took the picture so it’s not a prominent as it appears and I’m certainly not going to do anything about it now. You’ll notice that I didn’t worry about lining up my center strips perfectly – I like the more imperfect look although I have to admit that mine are a lot more consistent that the ones in the pattern.
Although I started this quilt before Judy issued her challenge, I’m counting it as my stash quilt for February. The border fabric is one that had been in my stash for at least a couple years and I looked through my strings to find ones that picked up the colors in the print. I’ll use fabric from stash for the backing too.
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