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If bad things happen in 3’s I should stay in bed today

Thank you all for your emails and concern. Not only are Keith and I fine but no one at his company was on the bridge or affected by the tragedy personally.

If my evening wasn’t stressful enough, after finally falling asleep at 4AM, the fire alarm in our building went off. Keith and I scrambled for clothes, grabbed Chesty, and ran down 4 flights of stairs. Luckily we were only out of the building for 15-20 minutes but my worst nightmare is an alarm going off during the winter, at night, with Keith out of town. The alarm was piercing and poor Chesty was traumatized both by the noise and our frantic running around trying to get out of the apartment.

I was trying to explain to my Mom last night about Minneapolis and how the Mississippi runs right through the town. That there are multiple bridges that cross it and people are constantly back and forth on foot, bikes, and in cars.

The bridge that collapsed is just down the river from these that Keith and I go across on our walks. The news report last night mentioned that people standing on the Stone Arch Bridge actually saw the bridge collapse. (The photo of Keith is on the Stone Arch Bridge)

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