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Are you organized?

For the most part I’m fairly organized … in that I know where things are and what they’re for but these last few months, I’ve realized that if something were to happen to me, Keith would be lost. Besides the fact that he has no idea what is in my sewing room and what I would want to happen to it all, he doesn’t have access to our accounts and wouldn’t have a clue which bills (most of them are ebills) are due or how to pay them.  He certainly  wouldn’t know how to post a note on the blog or who would need to be contacted if something happened.

The night before my last surgery I wrote up and printed some quick notes but knew that I needed to sit down and write up something more formal … that was in June and nope, haven’t done it yet. And our wills are out of date too … another thing we keep putting off updating.

I was reading Judy’s blog today and saw her using these name tags to organize her knitting projects … I have a few projects in bags that could benefit from a label and more importantly, if I labeled all the finished tops in my closet, I’d be sure that Keith would know what to do with them if something happened. I have tops that belong to Mom, tops for donation, and tops that are meant to be gifted to a family member or quilted and kept.

I know some people have quilting friends that would take care of their sewing room but how about the rest? Are you the one in your family that handles all the finances? Do you have it all organized and ready for someone else to take over? Are your wills up to date?

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