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A new blanket

I briefly thought about which of my knitting projects I should pull out to work on after finishing the pink blanket and then promptly started a new crochet blanket. And even worse, I chose something I actually need to count and pay attention to rather than a nice mindless project.

I almost didn’t start this one … it’s a 14 page pattern and looks very complicated but like many crochet patterns, sometimes you just need to start working stitch by stitch and it all begins to make sense. Also, even though the bulk of the blanket will end up as a 3 row repeat, the pattern repeats for each petal so once you start a row and get the repeat in your head for that row, you just repeat it for the rest of the petals.

I’ve been looking at “shaped” blanket crochet patterns for a couple years but always decided I didn’t what to think that hard. Years ago I knit this Vortex Shawl and I figured it would be similar in the repeating sections and increasing and knew if I’d managed to make THIS, I could manage one of the crochet patterns.

Now that I’ve got it figured out, I need to work on it steadily so I don’t forget what I’m doing!

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