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A family challenge

Half the battle for me is getting something into my routine. Every night I think about what I want to accomplish the next day and my fitness goals have been lacking, certainly the last few months given the broken ankle, but I haven’t been truly consistent with my fitness goals in the last couple years. The suppression therapy for my thyroid cancer made me tachycardic and very sensitive to heat limiting me to some degree. We did more biking which was good, some hiking, and I still enjoyed some kayaking but I got out of the habit of walking for exercise on a regular basis. We’ve done a family challenge with the boys before and they usually poop out after a few months so we’ll see how it goes this year. The goal is to walk 2021 miles this year – in teams of two. Luckily, I have Keith on my team because he is the most consistent of all of us and logs the most miles.

Chris for some crazy reason decided to hike the approach trail to the Appalachian Trail this weekend with a friend to log some of his miles. They were going to camp out tonight and then tomorrow night they were going to stay at the Hike Inn. (I’ve been wanting to do that for several years and we have plans to do it together when life returns to normal – when I’ve been vaccinated!) He called me this afternoon with a change in plans … asking could they stay at Big Canoe tonight. They weren’t expecting snow!

They hiked 10 miles today and they’ll head out again tomorrow to hike for the day (it is Georgia, there shouldn’t be much accumulation) and will stay tomorrow night at the Hike Inn as planned. For tonight they’re tucked up at Big Canoe with pizza, beer, and a nice fire! Not to mention beds and hot showers!

As far as my results go, while I haven’t logged any great number of miles, I’m getting out a fair amount – walking 11 days out of the first 16 days of the month and fitting in a walk in my daily activities is starting to feel like a habit again.

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