Site icon Making Scrap Quilts from Stash

Scrap or Scrappy?

I saw a post on Facebook today that I thought was rather interesting. Someone asked how people would definite scrap quilt as they were going to include that category in their local Quilt Show. I thought it was interesting that the responders made a distinction between a scrap quilt that was made from leftovers versus a scrappy quilt with many different fabrics regardless of whether they were leftovers or not.

When I started blogging 16 years ago, I called my blog “Making Scrap Quilts from Stash” and I didn’t (and don’t) definite a scrap quilt as only using leftovers. I’m also reminded of the time that someone said that my quilts weren’t really scrappy … commenting on ones that were made in two or three colors. I would disagree with that. A scrap quilt can have a limited color scheme but use many different fabrics. Like this one …

or like this one… I consider both of these scrap quilts.

Some of my scrap quilts ARE just from leftovers like my Strips and Strings Log Cabin quilts.

And other scrappy quilts are made from leftovers as well as other stash like this log cabin quilt. Because I used my Accuquilt die to cut this one, I needed pieces of a certain size.

And for this Forest Bricks quilt, I probably used a bit of almost every green I had in the stash whether it was leftover or not!

My HeartStrings quilts are made from leftovers so I guess everyone would agree they’re scrappy but I do use one fabric for my center strip for most of them.

When we moved from Minneapolis in 2014 my stash was at our condo (until 2018) and we were in Florida so I started to use a lot more precuts because I didn’t have easy access to the stash and while I rarely made quilts with a limited number of fabrics except for my Quick Strippies … right now HeartStrings is doing a 3 yard Quilt Project so I’m making a bunch of quilts with just 3 fabrics!

Scrap quilts are still my favorite but I do have fun working with precuts and the 3 yard quilts too! What are your favorite quilts to make and do you have a strict definition for scrap quilts?

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