Site icon Making Scrap Quilts from Stash


I had some questions about how I’m making the Mary’s Triangles (they’re really called that) for my RWB quilt.

I found this site today which shows the same method as I’m using except instead of the small squares and rectangles for the blue and beige, I’m making short strip sets. I’m also not making my blocks oversized, I decided on 5 inch finished blocks and although my book has a table with cutting directions for different sizes, I found this website that has a formula for calculating the size to cut the squares and rectangles. Each of the combinations below makes 2 blocks and they go really quickly.

These are my first few blocks…I’ll have more variety in the fabrics as I get more blocks made. I also had a question about how I’ll assemble the blocks – if you follow the link above for my RWB quilt, you’ll see there are 4 distinct quadrants in the quilt. I’ll assemble each one separately like I’ve started below and then sew the 4 sections together.
And for Debbi who wanted to see how I connected my hearts on the quilt from this morning…I just used loops between them.

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