Site icon Making Scrap Quilts from Stash


I started another blanket today to work on while I watched the Tour. (I finished the linen stitch blanket last night except for a handful of ends to still weave in).

I still haven’t found the right yarn/hook for the corner to corner blanket I want to make – I did a swatch and this yarn had gaps between the blocks that were larger than I wanted for a baby blanket so I pulled it out and started an easy ripple. As you can see, it’s going quickly. This is a Lion Brand sport weight acrylic yarn – I used it once 2-3 years ago and I thought I’d try it again.

I have been very, VERY bad about buying yarn – there have been a bunch of sales and now I have more than enough here for 20+ blankets which sounds insane but I looked back and I’ve finished 15 since the last week of March so I’ll just have to back off the buying and keep up the production!! Seriously, I’m not buying any more yarn right now, no matter how good the sale.

Becky took 9 afghans and 5 quilts back to GA and donated them for me but I still need to find a place to donate the larger afghans.

Adam arrives tomorrow with the kids so I won’t get much done the next 4 days but I did get a start on assembling the Arrow top – I’m about 1/3 of the way done with that.

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