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Like all you I am dealing with so many different feelings as I watch what’s going on in our country this week … anger and outrage at the officers involved in the killing of George Floyd, sadness for his family, more anger and outrage at those taking advantage of the protests to loot and burn our cities, fear that the crowds will undo any gains we’ve made from months of social distancing, and respect for those police who go out every day and risk their lives to protect us all. Just like the looters overshadowing the righteous message of the protesters, the bad cops overshadow what good many of our police do on a day to day basis.

Let’s hope that one positive outcome is a high voter turnout that says enough hate and divisiveness. Let’s try to regain some of our progress toward acceptance and equality for all. I know we have a long way to go but the last few years we’ve been heading in the wrong direction.

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