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New carpet

It’s in! I love having brand new carpet and getting rid of that old horribly stained carpet that was here! It was worse downstairs and while it wasn’t as bad in the two upstairs bedrooms, it was still stained and I’m glad to have it ALL gone. We have tile in the bathrooms and hardwood floors in the kitchen, dining, and living rooms but the rest of the house is carpet and I chose to use the same carpet everywhere the old carpet was. It was a big job and they told me it would take two days but they finished it in one long day and I’m so glad! It was chaotic with Keith on conference calls, 4 of them working, running in and out, talking and playing music, and Finn barking!

The new one is on the left! It’s a Berber carpet so it should hold up well and I like that it has a textured vs smooth look. The photo should blow up larger if you click on it.

I’ll spend tomorrow putting everything back where it belongs and if I’m lucky will even have a little time to sew.

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