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Another sunset

Keith treated me to another drive and sunset tonight.

There were lots of clouds but just sitting in an isolated little cove with Keith with a nice breeze off the water was lovely.

I didn’t want to leave!

Chris sent me a photo of the girls tonight too. They’re also playing it safe with no trick or treating and no parties but they are having fun at home.

It’s discouraging to watch others though, not taking any precautions. There’s a party outside in our courtyard with the neighbors. No social distancing, no masks, a bunch of kids running around playing and the adults right in the middle of things. Yes it’s outside but they’re all right by each other talking and socializing and it’s been going on for hours so lots of exposure. And a niece posting photos of a Halloween party – inside, a bunch of friends. No masks no distancing and it makes me worry about her exposing others in the family who count on her to be safe. I don’t know how bad things will have to get for people to take COVID seriously. I’m not advocating a shutdown, just simple precautions as we head into the holidays and flu season.

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