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Happy Thanksgiving

So you know bad things never happen alone right? The abscess on my face is about the same, but at least it’s no worse. That’s good news. This morning I broke off half of one of my crowns. Yes, it’s the same one that chipped last month and my dentist said we’d wait to replace it next month, that it would be fine…. ugh. Of course it would break off on Thanksgiving morning leaving the tooth underneath open and unprotected BUT I have had a root canal and I’m not having pain from it AND I found a local dentist who is willing to see me tomorrow and put a temporary crown on it even though his office is closed tomorrow.

So with the abscess on one side of my face interfering with my ability to chew and the broken crown on the other side … I will be sticking to liquids today. Keith is fine with me cooking our Thanksgiving meal tomorrow after I get the temporary crown.

It’s been a challenging week but I’m grateful for my family and many other blessings in my life.

Bottom line, I got a little more sewing time in since I didn’t have to start cooking dinner this afternoon. I cut all my strips and started sewing my Sharon inspired HeartStrings blocks. I’m going to stop and watch some football with Keith but I might just sew a little more tonight when he goes to bed.

Wishing you and your family a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving!

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