Site icon Making Scrap Quilts from Stash

Some progress

I finished the knitting on the blue/gray blanket on Sunday night and while I haven’t cast off or woven in the ends, the Lightning were playing Monday night and I needed a mindless project to work on while I was watching the game. I started one of the Linen Stitch blankets using Lions Brand Mandala Ombré yarn. That combination of yarn and stitch are one of my favorites and this will be the 4th one I’ve made. This colorway is called Serene and I’m enjoying the pinks and oranges after a couple months working with that blue/gray yarn which was also a great combination.

After the Lightning lost in overtime, I decided to go down and load a Strippie on the longarm so it would be ready to quilt in the morning … only I couldn’t wait so I went ahead and quilted it. Nothing fancy. Just warming up after 3 months of not quilting and making sure the machine is set up and working correctly. I had one very small section where the tension went goofy but I heard it happen and stopped. Could have been some lint in the bobbin but I was also near the end of the bobbin. I just picked out that section put a new bobbin in and finished without any more problems.

I have a lot of catching up to do so I’m going to try to quilt 10 this month. The next two will probably be Strippies too.

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