
After packing up my sewing supplies yesterday, I gathered up some donations. Four crochet blankets and 12 dolls/stuffed animals with small quilts. When Keith gets home from VA next week I’ll have him pass these along to Becky to donate for me.

Thanks to Mom, I had plenty of the little quilts! She was telling me last week how much she has enjoyed working on this project with me.


  1. Wow! So many lovely items you are donating. You and your mom have been busy! Many people will be blessed to receive these special items. 🥰

  2. OMG, there is going to be some real excited “Littles”. What company did the center fabric of the quilt, love those bunny rabbits.

  3. You and your Mom have been very productive! I’ve fallen behind in my crochet since football season ended. I kind of wish I liked another sport because I never watch regular TV or movies.

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