
I love a Rail Fence quilt and have made lots of variations over the years like this one from my leftover strips and strings bin.


I was looking at eBay tonight and came across this one with black strips on the outside of the block and think it would work great with my strips and strings.



  1. I did some Rail Fence blocks and found out that I used colors that are way too bright. They went from being the whole quilt to being a border broken up by a block that is neutral. I am using logo fabrics from University of Florida and solids. Logo fabrics are so bright that even solids and neutrals didn’t help. This is the last of 4 UF logo quilts and trying to make then different using these colors is tough.

  2. I have cut my scraps lately into 1 1/2″ strips and sewed them as leaders & enders. And have now sewn black strips on each side. Have made 6 1/2″ squares to sew together like the quilt you showed. Glad it will work.
    What other colors do you think would work for the next scrap rail quilt?

  3. I need to use some of my scrap strips to make one of these quilts. I do love them in their simple scrappy beauty.

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