
In spite of the storms we’re having every afternoon, I managed to quilt this week’s top, catch up by quilting a second top (I was one week behind on my goal of 1 top for each week I don’t travel this year), and to also quilt two doll quilts using the extra backing on the machine.

I don’t usually have backings large enough for more than one quilt but for the Happy Block Quilts, I am using Cuddle from Shannon Fabrics. They’ve donated bolts of fabric for our HeartStrings quilts we finish at the Maine sew-in for a few years now and I carried one bolt home (to use on donation quilts).

Both Happy Block tops were quilted with a pantograph called Steam. Since the Cuddle fabric is 60 inches wide, I loaded these lengthwise and the “steam” rises!


Because I loaded them lengthwise, I had just enough backing left to quilt two of the doll quilts. Which puts me 2 quilts ahead on my goal (I know it seems like the doll size tops shouldn’t count but they do!)


There won’t be any quilting for the next couple weeks – Keith and I are going to enjoy our long holiday weekend together before all my appointments and treatment next week and then I’ll be in “isolation” into the middle of the following week but I will have some time for binding and piecing before the isolation period begins.

Since I needed a haircut, I decided to go short to make things easy the next few weeks. I haven’t had my hair this short in a long time but I shouldn’t need another haircut until we get back from Maine the beginning of November!



  1. Your haircut is very flattering and will definitely be easy to maintain while you are feeling fatigued. Love that Steam pantograph. Enjoy the long weekend together.

  2. I love the cuddle as a backing. The quilts look so soft and snuggly. I’m sure some kids will be very happy to get them.
    I hope all goes well with your treatment next month and you get a lot of rest because we will have lots of work for you to do in October! I imagine we will have at least 25 quilts from the happy blocks plus whatever string quilts get done. I hope the weather cooperates so that Bev can longarm some this Fall.

  3. Best of luck with your upcoming health treatments. It is my understanding that you could work on quilts and simply washing them will remove any potential threat from your treatments. I have a friend who went through it a few years ago and she was told this. ???

  4. Your quilts look beautiful — but I don’t know how you lift and manage that bolt! What does it mean to be in isolation? You know you are in my prayers. I hope you and Keith have a wonderful weekend.

  5. A friend recently had what you do. She is done with treatments and isolation and doing great. Her husband (an engineer) bought a geiger counter so he could measure how radiant she was! What a nut!! Nan suffers no odd effects. LOVE the haircut!! It will be very helpful also when your energy flags. Hang in there, the light at end of tunnel is closer. Read, eat , sleep and get better!

  6. You look wonderful with your new haircut. Hope all goes smoothly and is not too exhausting for you.

  7. Well done! You do such beautiful work, and yes, the doll quilts should definitely count toward your goal. Enjoy your time with Keith this weekend.

  8. Good luck with your treatments next week. My dad had it done twice and my sister once. You can do this. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  9. Haircut is adorable. It’s fun to go short every once in awhile! I will hold every good thought that things go smoothly for you over the next while…

  10. First, love your quilts. 2nd, love your short haircut. I have had to give up on my bob cut. My hair is baby fine and keeps getting thinner. That is a very flattering cut for you! Next, the treatment will go fine. As I said in a previous post, been there and done that! It w ill all go well for you! Sending along big hugs and love.

  11. That new hair cut is a very cute look for you. I too, am hoping your treatments go smoothly and you have a quick recovery.
    I always enjoy your blog and you amaze and inspire me with your creativeness.
    Stay strong. We (readers) are behind you!

  12. Sure hoping your treatment goes well Mary. You and Finn are looking so good with your cute cuts. Love them, love the great quilts. I’m astonished at the size of the roll bar with the cuddle backing, amazed that you manage that!

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