Cathedral Windows

I also took a picture of the finished Cathedral Window’s quilt. I was in the guest bedroom taking the other pictures and realized that it would fit on this quilt rack. Since I took down the wallhanging that was there I think I’ll leave it up here for now.


  1. Oh how pretty! I started a cathedral window many years ago. It started as a double spread. Ended as a table runner. A SMALL table runner. LOL!

  2. Wow, lovely Cathedral Window! I made 2, count ’em, 2 Cathedral Window blocks. Turned them into a chatelaine from Georgia Bonesteel’s (1st?) book. Great quilt.

  3. Wow Mary, it looks amazing! The colours are so vibrant. I always thought Cathedral Windows looked so complex, did you find it hard?*hugs*Tazzie🙂

  4. Mary,You should get a taste of winter at some point in MN! Give it time! Love your new pic too!Your cathedral window wallhanging is great too! I LOVE IT!HugsLaurie

  5. mary, your cathedral windows quilt is magnificent. i only got one block made on mine. i admire your perseverence. like your toppers on the bed also.patti in

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