Log Cabin quilts

Log cabin quilts were my favorite the first couple years I was quilting and while I’ll still love them, they’ve been replaced somewhat by string quilts. I was looking through my old quilt photos and scanned these in to share. All of these were made and quilted before I got my longarm.

My first Autumn quilt and the first one I made for myself. The layout was designed by me before I had EQ – trust me EQ makes it a lot easier to trial different designs.
Adam’s first quilt, Log Cabin quilts are also a favorite of his and HE designed the layout for these blocks.
This was donated as a raffle quilt for a local Senior Center, Adam has yet to forgive me for not giving this quilt to him!
This was made for Keith’s Aunt Trudy. (It was also a favorite of Adam’s)
This is a Courthouse steps version based on a quilt by Sandy Bonsib. We had a family block exchange that included my 3 sisters and Mom. I took the 5 blocks and created this quilt titled “All Roads Lead Home”.
The background creates the road (notice you can follow it from the top (L) continuously to the bottom (R). The top row represents me living the farthest and we were in the middle of our move from South Florida to Altanta so I get two houses. The 3rd row is Ann’s house and her star block, I appliqued the cardinal and dogwood block which represents passing into Virginia. The 5th row is Maureen’s house and her tree block. The 6th row is Deb’s house and her elaborately appliqued forest scene. Finally, the last block is Mom’s school house block.
We were supposed to draw names for the finished quilts but I convinced the others to let me give Mom my quilt. It’s even hand quilted.

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  1. Thankyou for showing us these quilts. I love the stories behind them. Makes me think we should include a pocket to contain the story of quilts like the one you gave your mother. Future generations would love that information!

  2. Five really beautiful quilts, but I think my favorite is the first one. Love those colors. You’re right, they look like fall….I love it!

  3. Such beautiful quilts, Mary. All are well designed and as usual, your color sense is perfect. It is always a pleasure to visit your blog.

  4. You’ve made a lot of beautiful log cabin quilts. I’ve had log cabin on my to-do list for a long time. Last year, I found a beautiful intricate pattern that had log cabin blocks in it. Maybe someday I’ll get around to making it.

  5. OMG! I love the block exchange. i was looking at the one I got from Maureen yesterday and wishing we still did these. Especially with Mother… and ME ( I know it’s hard to believe) getting older, those treasures are more important.

  6. Love all your log cabin quilts, but am particularly impressed with the lay-out of the second. I’ve not seen that layout before and love it! Thanks for sharing such inspirational pics!

  7. Great log cabin quilts…I love the family block exchange quilt the best. What a great story that goes with it…it’ll be a treasure for sure!

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