
I’m like a child! I couldn’t sleep last night waiting for it to start. They’re calling for 8-10 inches and it’s coming down steady so I hope we’ll get it all!

We’re heading out on foot to a local wine store for a champagne tasting. We always have Mimosa’s and Keith’s homemade French Toast on Christmas day and we tend to sip more champagne than wine during the holidays so it time to stock up!

Later, I’ll work on some more binding – I’m slowly making my way through the stack of bindings waiting from the tops I quilted last month.

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  1. I am not a big fan of snow because it tends to stick around forever and often it brings bitterly cold temperatures. I hate driving in snow and shoveling the walks and driveway. I do, however, love walking when it is falling and I like the calm that shrouds the town after a storm. If it only snowed on the grassy areas and on roof tops, I would be content.

  2. Snow would be very exciting, but I love sunny Arizona! Can’t drive in snow, so wouldn’t leave the house!We also have mimosas Christmas morning and eggs w/fresh baked sweet rolls. Mary, my DD is becoming a pastry chef in Culinary school, she has 15 more wks. She works in a small bakery. She does all the baking now! Which allows me more quilting time.Enjoy the snow!!! Patty/AZ

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