More deer

I never get tired of watching them and for some reason they seem to congregate around the house more on the weekends. All of these videos were captured this morning within the space of 2-3 hours.

I can’t believe it but I’m finally done with all the packing! The junk removal company come yesterday and took all the furniture we are not moving and will donate it. Keith set up the beach chairs so we could watch a little TV last night.

We’re going to go out for an late lunch/early dinner at 4pm and then we’ll load up my car so I’ll be ready to head out early tomorrow morning. I can’t believe it’s finally move time, it seems like I’ve been decluttering and packing forever.


  1. Wow Mary, i’m so happy for you. Your new adventure is ready to go, and you have done so much in preparation. I’m wishing you a safe journey, and a pleasant reception in Big Canoe.

  2. Best wishes on your move! Looks like you will have quite a welcoming committee waiting for you!

  3. Happy Trails and safe travels tomorrow 🙂 And I know you’ll be closer to the boys & families. Yehaw!

  4. I’m wondering how the deer (and other animals) will react once you’ve moved in – hearing you inside and on the veranda etc. Good luck with your move tomorrow and all the best to you both for your new life in Canoe 🙂

    • The deer don’t care as long as we keep distance. We have them all the time at our mountain cabin. I can be 10 feet away-if I don’t move, they don’t care. So much fun to have them in our yard 🙂

  5. How exciting for you – finally on your way to a new chapter and adventure. Be safe in your travels and Keith as well.

  6. Have a safe drive and enjoy your new home. I know you will! So close to both nature and grandkids, how much better could it be.

  7. Congratulations on finishing up with moving out of your Tampa home and beginning the next phase of your life in Georgia. Take a deep breath– the rest is all downhill!

  8. Wow, so exciting!! After all the hard work moving day is so close. Congratulations and I hope the issues under the Tampa house get resolved soon. Safe travels to Big Canoe!!

  9. Congratulations on getting everything packed, decluttered, boxed, bagged, etc, etc,etc! What a wonderful feeling – let your new adventure begin.

  10. Safe travels as your head up to your new home. All the hard work will be rewarding. Just imagine all the new memories that await you.

  11. I love your deer videos too. I wonder if your increased presence will change their habits. Have a safe trip.

  12. The deer seem completely happy poking around your yard. Love watching them!! I thought you packed up rather fast. Excellent job! Must be a wonderful relief to have it done. I know you have a lot of un packing to do when you get there ,but hopefully you can take your time with that! Safe trip! xxoo

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